Firebelle Productions

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Quick Reference Cards

The Hazmat Chemistry Quick Reference Card (Second Edition) provides a condensed summary of the information taught in many hazmat chemistry classes nationwide. This 16-page booklet contains several cheat sheets with names, formulas, and common hazards for different types of chemicals.

The Radioactive Materials Quick Reference Card (Second Edition) provides an overview of the types of radiation; units of radiation measurement; labels, placards, and packages; exposure limits; isolation distances; incident stay time; time, distance, and shielding; and patient care.

Quick Tips for More Effective Writing provides nearly two dozen tips (with examples) to help you write clearer and more effective sentences. Topics include being concise, avoiding run-on sentences and comma splices, using the appropriate voice, avoiding needless shifts, and avoiding sentence fragments.

Quick Tips to Choosing the Right Word will help you choose between those often-confusing word sets, such as its and it's; affect and effect; principal and principle; and assure, ensure, and insure.

These cards are $3.50 each. However, some come free with books when bought from Firebelle Productions. See our product catalog.

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